MacのDocker でPostgresqlを使おうとしたらエラーが出てしまった


Mac OS X 10.15 の Docker で Postgresql を使おうとしたらエラーが出てしまいました。

$ docker-compose up -d
Building postgres
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "site-packages/docker/credentials/", line 80, in _execute
  File "", line 411, in check_output
  File "", line 512, in run
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/local/bin/docker-credential-desktop', 'get']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "site-packages/docker/", line 264, in _resolve_authconfig_credstore
  File "site-packages/docker/credentials/", line 35, in get
  File "site-packages/docker/credentials/", line 93, in _execute
docker.credentials.errors.StoreError: Credentials store docker-credential-desktop exited with "error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `User interaction is not allowed.`".

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "docker-compose", line 3, in 
  File "compose/cli/", line 67, in main
  File "compose/cli/", line 126, in perform_command
  File "compose/cli/", line 1070, in up
  File "compose/cli/", line 1066, in up
  File "compose/", line 615, in up
  File "compose/", line 362, in ensure_image_exists
  File "compose/", line 1125, in build
  File "site-packages/docker/api/", line 261, in build
  File "site-packages/docker/api/", line 308, in _set_auth_headers
  File "site-packages/docker/", line 304, in get_all_credentials
  File "site-packages/docker/", line 281, in _resolve_authconfig_credstore
docker.errors.DockerException: Credentials store error: StoreError('Credentials store docker-credential-desktop exited with "error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `User interaction is not allowed.`".')



Mac で docker login や docker-compose build や up 時に User interaction is not allowed エラー。はたまた docker.credentials.errors.StoreError のたぐい

$ security unlock-keychain


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